Parents’ Council and Parents’ Association
Parent engagement matters. Why?
- Attainment: Study after study has shown that student achievement improves when parents play an active role in their child’s education and that good schools become better when parents are involved.
- Wellbeing: parent engagement is a key factor in the enhancement of student achievement and well-being.
- Communication: Parents understanding what is happenning with their child in school and why is hugely important to maintain good communication between the school, home and the student.
Under the Education Act 1998 all parents of enrolled students are members of the Parents’ Council. The support and contribution of parents to our school is immense and we have been fortunate that so many parents have come forward to work on behalf of the parent body to identify areas for development and improvement in our school over the years.
The role of a parents association in a school is to work alongside the school’s staff and Board of Management to bridge the gap between home and school. In this sense, the Parents’ Association is a link between the school and the parents of the children that attend it.
We are always keen to engage and encourage new parents to get involved.
Please note that an AGM of the Parents’ Council will be called in September and from there we hope to elect a Parents’ Association in line with the Education Act 1998. This will be advertised on our social media platforms and by text.