Transition Year in Our Lady of Mercy
Welcome to the Transition year section of our website. Share...Friday 22nd September
john-paul-ii-award We are delighted to announce that 43 of our current 5th Year Students have achieved the Pope John Paul II Award and have been invited to the Award Ceremony which will take place in St. Paul’s Church, Arran Quay, Dublin 7 on Wednesday 16th November...
LCA Team Bonding Day
by Sinead O'Neill | Oct 12, 2016 | LCA Blog, Message
The LCA class enjoyed a great day with their Class Teacher, Ms. Mulchrone and PE teacher, Ms. Hall. They traveled out to Bray via Dart and walked the trail between Bray to Greystones. Share...
TY Graduation & Exhibition
by Sinead O'Neill | Jun 20, 2016 | Message, OLM News, Transition Year
The Transition Year students put on quite the evening for their TY Graduation. The celebration included an exhibition which featured stalls representing each subject and a graduation ceremony. The students exhibited their work, displaying pieces, campaigns &...